Monday, April 26, 2010

Baking 101

I thought I would start with something my newly hatched inner housewife could manage, something simple, something well proven: chocolate chip cookies.

I couldn’t ask for a better experience or a better illustration than this to justify why the title of my blog is “Finding My Inner Housewife”.

Project: bake chocolate chip cookies

Outcome: Fail

Ok… re-imagined. Even though my goal was baking chocolate chips cookies, the project evolved and I rolled with it. And by rolling with it I mean that when all attempts at turning this batter into cookies failed, I tried to make a cake out of the batter.

[NOTE: I will later fill you in on the time I had to staple a cake together].

Cookie dough is different than cake dough, right? I think I just got lucky this time. Bonus.

Here is the image of what the recipe says these cookies should look like (thank you Mrs. Fields, housewife and businesswoman extraordinaire):


Here is my mega-cookie (squint and you will realize that this is evolving into a cake):


And here are some other shots to give you a better idea of this process and other activities calling for my attention:


Broken glass with melted chocolate (oops #72):


Trust me, I didn’t try to make these “cookies” turn out like this. This is real, this is me! So, I am embarking on a new chapter in my life. Some people call it a “stay at home mom” or SAHM, others “instructor for future generations” and still others, “housewife”.

My daughter made us a salad with the fresh veggies I chopped up as a snack. Her creation involves a half cup of carrots and celery (me) and a cup of ranch dressing (her): IMG_4710

Meanwhile, my infant son has gripe water spilling onto his onesie.

Anyway…We’re still having fun. That’s not the point – or maybe it IS the point. I am rediscovering that the point is really to have fun with my kids – while trying not to burn the house down.

Next week, I’ll let you know if the cookie-cake was any good…


  1. That's my kind of salad Gabi, ranch with a little bit of vegetable.

  2. i'm happy to come over and assist with any baking. but not housework. ;-)
